The WAY: Master Warrior Alchemist C2aO3 - Breaking Down Generational Lies
My name is Terry Suiava Leifi Silverstein - Harbinger of Truth & Justice, the last bridge (watchman) that sounds the alarm before the Pale Rider. Master Warrior Alchemist, from the true ancient bloodline from the Original 3 Kings of Samoa. From the House of Warrior King Leifi. I am 1st daughter to the late High Chief, LEULUA’I TUMUA LEIFI: The Paramount First To Stand. Distributors of Justice, and fair political governance among the island groups. Carriers of the original recessive genome from Adam and Ava (Eve in Greek). Pure bloodline from the ancients, currently being hunted down for extermination by evil people. Wake from your slumber, you’re under a spell. Ala mai!
I’m here to sound the alarm & provide the Golden Keys of Freedom, tried by the fires of multiple paramount obstacles, refined through the Valley of the Shadows of Death.
I know who I am, and why I was born. Most do not. My mission is to finish and share how to walk between the Moana & Fire. To show the Way to Peace of mind, peace in spirit, Life as originally designed through laughter and courage, step by step back to yourself: free and happy. Untouchable is the Gift when God is for you? Who can be against you? Once every heavy mental weight that holds you back from your heart's true desires is gone; your creativity and joy from childhood will be restored. Book of Amos. See also Numbers chapters 22-24. Let’s go back and find your dreams, while I gift you with useful tools to navigate Life without breaking. You can do it. And you don’t have to walk it alone. That’s a lie too. The Keys to freedom are for those that want to be released from mental, emotional, spiritual prisons that bombard our minds.
I have Keys, and the highest spiritual authority directly from the source of all Creation; seen and unseen. Who am I? Front row center adored by the heavenly host, and the King of the Universe. Respected on the Dark side with power to command them if needed, just like King Solomon. Daughter of the Most High, Father of the Heavens: Tama Ole Lagi. Leo Rising, Samoa: The Phoenix that Heals the Nations