
Sodom & Gomorrah - Full story. Part 1

Abraham, Haran, Lot & King Nimrod

Was Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed because of homosexual practices & neglecting the poor and elderly? Really that was the extent of it? Most of the world would have been destroyed if those were the ‘three’ reasons to rain destruction down on major city dwellings.

There has to be more to the story captured in the Bible’s first book of Genesis. It was also recorded PRIOR to the Bible, in the Book of Jasher, part of the Dead Sea Scrolls which pre-dates the 1611 King James Version. The text in the Book of Jasher elaborates details omitted in the Bible’s version of chapter 19 of Genesis. In addition, the Palestine Targum (translation) of the Mosaic books, confirm the same details that paint a clearer picture of what happened and why.

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